Synopsis: As Dr Gu Wei (Xiao Zhan)steps into the College Program, a familiar face from his past emerges-Lei Yu (Wang Yibo), someone whom he met during his teenage years. Amidst the New Year's celebration, buried emotions resurface, shrouded in mystery. Dr. Gu Wei grapples with the unexpected reunion, questioning the secrets that time has veiled. Lei Yu's presence ignites a chain of unspoken memories, casting a captivating allure over the Chief Guest's otherwise composed demeanor. In the midst of festivities, past and present collide.
Top: Wang Yibo
Bottom: Xiao Zhan
Those who ship ZhanYi, they can read '𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗘'. It's the ZhanYi version of this story. It's on my profile.
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Can Love be in a wrong TIME?
Xiao Zhan is innocently inlove with Wang Yibo, he wish nothing than be with that man for the rest of his life. But what if that genuine love would turn into a hatred?
Did Yibo even loved him? Or he only used Xiao Zhan as a shield for the one he truly loves ....
Start : Sept 03, 2020
End : December 22, 2020
#1 in depressing