"In a society filled with discrimination, a young boy faces many challenges - challenges from his environment, his family, and, mostly, the challenge of overcoming his self. Meet Paul Rivero, a first-year college student pursuing a Bachelor of Public Administration. Having secret feelings for his friend, Jared Dela Cruz, makes his days both exciting and exhausting. Being part of the LGBTQ community makes it even harder for him. As Paul Rivero becomes closer to gathering the courage to confess his feelings, many factors arise. The existing friendship or the possibility of things after the confession becomes a crucial consideration. One more thing is the challenge of society - the reaction of the family." Will Paul can summon the strength to confront the challenges, or will he succumb to the pressures that surround him? Only time will tell as the story unfolds, and Paul's journey takes unexpected turns." --------- 1-3 chapters a week!!!