a angsty, fluffy, kinda smutty, and overall loving book about two men being angry at each other for a while :3
Henry starting bawling as he looked over at the man standing over his own sons corpse.
"William, what happened? Is he okay? Is Evan gonna be okay?"
Henry collapsed to the side of William, who went nonverbal after Michael, William's oldest son, put his youngest son, Evan, his head inside the mouth of Fredbear. Michael thought it would be a funny prank, but the spring locks came loose from all the crying coming from the little one. Henry snapped out of his small trance and called emergency services. When Henry re-entered the room with some supplies, William was clutching onto his son, broken in tears. Henry has never seen him cry before.
"My boy.."
William managed out through broken words with tears streaming down his face.
"This shouldn't have happened.. no... my son..."
William kept rambling on as Henry wrapped Evan's head in paper towels, whatever he could find at the diner. The towels got soaked through quickly, so Henry had to keep rewrapping his head until paramedics arrived with proper gauze.
"William.. oh my god.. i'm so sorry... no parent should have to see their child in so much pain... i know what it's like."
Henry's son, Samuel, had recently died in the hospital with complications from an asthmatic attack. It broke Henry when it happened, but after years passed he started getting better.
Now there were two men, choking on their own tears at the floor of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. What will happen next?
okay thats my writing style btw >-<
peace and love and if you saw my other book NO YOUU DIDNTTTTT?????
xoxo ur new favorite writer,
- keel3yz