In the sprawling metropolis of Tokyo, a young orphan girl named Sakura discovers that her life is far from ordinary. Born as a lab experiment, she possesses extraordinary powers and is destined to become the savior of the universe. As Sakura embarks on a journey of self-discovery, she unravels the mysteries of other realms, a corrupt government, a deadly world virus, and the secrets of the universe itself.
Raised in an orphanage, Sakura always felt different. But when she stumbles upon a hidden laboratory beneath the city, her true nature is revealed. She learns that she was created as a cosmic oracle, tasked with the responsibility of safeguarding the balance of the universe from within the mortal realm.
Guided by a mysterious mentor, Master Hiroshi, Sakura trains to harness her powers and navigate the enigmatic realms beyond Earth. She encounters mythical creatures, ancient prophecies, and encounters with beings from distant galaxies, all while trying to understand her place in this vast cosmic tapestry.
As Sakura delves deeper into her mission, she uncovers a dark secret-the government, corrupted by greed and power, is plotting to exploit her abilities for their nefarious purposes. With the world on the brink of devastation due to a deadly virus unleashed by the government's experiments, Sakura realizes that her duty extends beyond saving the universe-it is also to protect the people she loves.
Together with a group of unlikely allies, including a brilliant scientist, a skilled hacker, and a wise old sage, Sakura embarks on a race against time to unravel the government's plans, find a cure for the world virus, and prevent the destruction of both Earth and the realms beyond.
In a climactic showdown, Sakura confronts the corrupt government officials, drawing upon her newfound powers and the secrets of the universe. As the truth is unveiled, Sakura's journey of self-discovery reaches its zenith, forging her into a formidable cosmic force.
Inspired by Ricks999 story
"Izuku Yagi:Inovator"
After being rejected by his former idol and saying "He doesn't have what it takes to be a Hero", Izuku was having enough
Using his bright mind, he built himself powers and to defend himself
Izuku Yagi died and Nine Midoriya was born
With The Power of Science, he'll make everyone pay for everything they did to him