In a quaint town nestled by the serene lake, where everyday walks painted scenes of tranquility, one person's routine took a dark turn. The sun hung high in the sky, birds serenaded the air, and the trail along the lake promised a peaceful stroll. Yet, beneath the beauty, a chilling discovery awaited.
Amidst the rustling leaves and the whispers of nature, Carmen stumbled upon a lifeless body, sprawled just off the trail. Panic seized her, fingers hovering over the phone, ready to dial 911. However, a sudden realization halted her actions. The morning news had unfurled the ominous tale of a serial killer haunting their town-a killer who played a twisted game. The next victim would be the one who discovered the last body.
In that moment of dread, Carmen faced an unthinkable choice: to flee, praying the killer remained oblivious, or to make that call and seal her fate. The chilling question lingered-was the killer watching as she stumbled upon the lifeless form? Would the police shield her from the impending danger, or had the killer already outwitted their every move?
As Carmen grappled with the weight of her decision, shadows of suspense danced along the lake trail, setting the stage for a chilling tale of survival and mystery.
Inspired by HannahPistoia
Mikhaiah Story
Every Sunday or Saturday update
Kapag hindi busy gagawa na agad ako
Hindi nato magiging wrong grammar
Itama nyoko pag mali grammar ko ah!
"Why don't you just leave her alone?"
- Maloi
"You. Why don't you just leave the world?." - Aiah
"Aiah please stop bothering her"
- Sheena
"The more you try to stop me, the worse it gets." - Aiah
"Please don't bothering mikha again"
- Stacey
"Ohh sorry but i love her." - Aiah
"Why you come back?" - Mikha
"Don't act like a blind mikha lim" - Aiah
"no one can say no me. and i come back to take what's mine" - Aiah