My name is Baylin Jenett Rasco, surfing expert and photography freak. I'm 17 years young and my skin is kissed by the sun, due to teaching beginners how to surf. My father, Jim, lives hear in Miami with me, he is a mechanic for Rasco Brothers Auto and my mother, Mary, is traveling the world because of her needy journalist job, she comes home to visit once a month and it's always a blast. I just graduated high school and now my life's on hold. I have no idea if I should go to college or just stay hear and keep doing what I love to do. I just absolutely admire Miami, the waves, the beach, the weather, the board walk, the nice people and just teaching what I love doing best (aside from photography) teaching the newbys to surf.
"Bay, you have another apointment today at 3:30" Janey, my boss informed me.
"I also have a noon apointment too, right?" I asked Janey, looking in her direction as I grabbed my surf board leaning against the wall.
"Correct, but there's a catch to the 3:30 spot this afternoon" She lifted her eye brows in my direction.
"and that would be...?" I dragged out the 'e'.
She glanced back down to her paper work and started again,
"Apparently were supposed to shut down our part of the beach because of it?"
I looked at her confused, the only time that ever happened was if someone famous was coming, which rarely happens, the latest celebrity was Miley Cyrus back in 2005. I smiled hoping it was someone I admired.
"Who's the name down as?" I questioned.
"Styles." Janey shrugged her shoulders not having any clue who this person was, and truth be told, neither did I.
"And that is.." I said.
"He's supposedly in some boy band." She leaned back in her chair and stated, "Have fun"
"I will?" I mentioned questionably before I exited the beach house to get some breakfast.