Summary: When Acnologia attacked Tenroujima and Fairy Tail, in their last moment of hope, the First Guild Master; Mavis Vermilion, prayed for the return of a legend, to save Fairy Tail from their inevitable end. He was known by many names during his life...The Show-Off Number One Unpredictable Noisy Ninja, Hero of the Hidden Leaf, Boy of Miracles, Konoha's Orange Hokage, Child of Prophecy, Savior of the the World, The Hero of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, the Seventh Hokage of the Hidden Leaf. But now, he was known as the Fairy's Guardian.
Mizuki's home was undoubtedly the guild Fairy Tail. As part of the dragon slayer group of the guild she had found her place and family and she was perfectly content with that. One day however she finds herself waking up in an strange place with strange customs and no way back home. She has no choice but to adapt and become one of these so called 'ninjas'.