In a dystopian world where an unknown but deadly virus has taken over the world, Zuhal District has become a battle ground for survival. For a moment, peace seems to cease when VESTRA, a claimed group of scientists, give promises of a cure to the disease. That is until chaos ensues once more, plummeting not only Zuhal District in a frenzy but the people around them with it. Amidst the mayhem of the catastrophe, a group of several people, each with their distinct stories and goals, are taken in by VESTRA, making way for a path into the unknown future of the world. From there, they start to navigate their way towards an uncertain escape while unraveling chains of lies and mysteries that lie behind the walls of the save haven. "SILENCE" is a tale of trust, survival and fragile bonds in a shattered society, where each story is told by the melodious sounds of silence wherein the truth of the world resides.
19 parts