The story revolves around Luna, who is the daughter of King Tegan of the North. She was born with exceptional characteristics that include having hair as white as snow and a left eye that was red like blood. However, the very next day, Luna returned to being a normal baby. Upon recalling an old prophecy made by a priestess a hundred years ago, King Tegan feared that his daughter might be cursed, as predicted in the prophecy. To prevent people from finding out the secret of his daughter's unusual features, King Tegan hid the true identity of Luna. On the night of Luna's 10th birthday, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and was terrified by what she saw. Her hair had turned completely white and her left eye had become an ominous shade of red, making her look like a completely different person. Suddenly, everything changed, as she entered into his father's chamber. Under the bright moonlight, she could see the silhouette of a young man standing next to the corpse of his dead father. The man was holding a sword with a dragon mark etched into its sharp blade. Luna could hear the sound of her father's blood dripping loudly and clearly onto the floor. This haunting scene would change Luna's fate forever.All Rights Reserved
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