Alresca successfully escaped from her crumbling kingdom. Nothing was left for her. Status, home, wealth, everything vanished in less than 10 months.
With all her strength, her small feet kept running, leading her into the forest behind her late mother's palace. Unconsciously, for days, she had been traversing that vast forest and finally crossed the border between the eastern state and the Valvhanra Empire.
Her former status as a concubine's daughter taken from a remote village was about to change after encountering Cadius, the crown prince of the Valvhanra Empire, the strongest transcend in the south.
Alresca berhasil kabur dari kerajaannya yang runtuh. Tidak ada yang tersisa untuknya. Status, rumah, kekayaan, semuanya sirna kurang dari 10 bulan.
Dengan sekuat tenaga, kaki kecilnya terus berlari membawanya memasuki hutan belakang istana mendiang ibunya. Tanpa sadar selama berhari-hari ia sudah menyusuri hutan yang sangat luas itu dan akhirnya melewati perbatasan negara bagian timur dengan Kekaisaran Valvhanra.
Statusnya yang dulu sebagai putri selir yang di ambil dari desa terpencil, sekarang akan berubah setelah bertemu dengan putra mahkota Kekaisaran Valvhanra, Cadius, transenden terkuat di selatan.
This is a short novel (clean version) of the backstory of the bot "Cadius de Lustrente" in Character AI. You can find the bot's details on my TikTok @ohmygod2_.
The short novel is divided into two versions. For the adult version, please visit:
Kofi (ENG): @ohmygod2 (digital file) SOON
Karyakarsa (IND): @ohmygod2 (bebe) SOON
រឿងមួយនេះជាប្រភេទ BL s*x ចង់អានក៏អានចុះតែបើប៉ះពាល់អារម្មណ៍កុំបន្ទោសអ្នកសរសេរឲ្យសោះហើយក្នុងនេះក៏មានពាក្យមិនសរម្យច្រើនដែល🤏🔞 Taekook all story 🤯
Writer by me junalifa <3