A young adult named Evelyn's life is a delicate balance between the shadows of night and the fleeting light of day. Struggling with severe depression, she faces a world that seems to have turned its back on her. Her family dynamic is equally challenging a distant mother, Lorelai, who refuses to acknowledge her, a twin sister, Rory, yearning for a connection, a judgmental grandmother, Emily, and a sporadically affectionate grandfather, Richard. The absentee father adds another layer of abandonment.
As Evelyn embarks on a new chapter at Yale University, she encounters Finn and his three friends, Logan, Colin, and Robert.
Started: February 29th 2024
Ended: November 16th 2024
Rory is a sophomore at Yale when she meets three snobs who think they are better than everyone else just because they have money. She isn't interested in any of them but then she starts to write a story on a secret society and falls for Logan but he won't commit to her and she decides to end their relationship. Then another one of the guys steps out of the shadows can he commit or will Rory get her heart broken again if she falls for Finn?
This story is written as if seasons 5-7 and AYITL didn't happen the way they did on the show.
I do not own the rights to the characters in this story only the ones I came up with. All rights are owned by Amy Palladino and the writers of Gilmore Girls.