What's your problem?"
"Zero," was Jude's smooth comeback. "I just won a trophy."
Gavi exhaled sharply, his uninjured leg kicking Jude's under the covers. "I do not need the reminder, thank you very much."
"But most importantly, I'm in bed with you," Jude whispered the words against the shell of his ear, and then felt the shiver that went through the younger boy. The evidence that he wasn't the only one in too deep was always nice to behold. "I've been dreaming of this for so long."
"Flattery will get you nowhere."
"It's gotten me exactly where I am right now."
"You're not as smooth as you think you are," Gavi said, but his actions contradicted his words, as he was placing his hands right above Jude's where they rested on his lower abdomen.
Jude wasted no time in entwining their fingers, and the completeness he felt then made him think.
I finally get it now; what all the bloody love songs and poems are about.