Our tale begins as a tale of three: A broken demon, scarred by the scorn woven in the very Barings of his blood and being. A Warlock who scours the stars, bringing forth life and its blessings in love and strength. A Mentor bright and kind, an illuminating soul who sees past all imperfections. __________________________________________ Kazamir Alaire is a Warlock with a sight to see those unseen and heard. Drawing the map of life and giving breath to those who are corrupt. A pinnacle piece sworn to the Constellation Guard, an advocate for life supernatural and unalike. While blending into the slums of Modern-day New York in a quaint apothecary. With doors leading to a world like none other all-the-while collecting stray pieces that once broke at the hand of corruption centuries ago. In previous years, all pieces would be aligned- now not out of place. Yet, hatred and darkness manifest in the darkest of hearts. What served as brotherly rivalry soon becomes the harsh blow that puts life in a state of peril. The Clock is ticking on the celestial guardian as his sanctuary dies about him. Now the dying world that he merely escaped as a fledgling. soon becomes a battlefield. More dead than living falling into an endless nightmare. Will Kaz learn to turn the tides of a curse sent forth, or would he forever remain bound to the shadows that he severed. Would malice be the new reality?All Rights Reserved
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