The manuscript follows a group of high school friends in a small town called Skövde in Sweden. Complicated feelings arise between Ninve and Erik during the school graduation. The plot takes a supernatural turn when they are drawn into an ancient conflict between two sisters, Ereshkigal and Inanna, goddesses from the era of Mesopotamia. The powerful warrior and king Gilgamesh needs Ninve's body as a portal between worlds, forcing Ninve to bind herself to Gilgamesh and break Erik's heart. An engaging story about how friendship and love overcome cultural clashes and difficult upbringing conditions. Through a passionate love story between Ninve and Erik, an intrigue about supernatural powers, sacred vows, and the struggle between life and death is woven. From the 📕 Inanna: Gilgamesh doesn't take his eyes off Ninve, who is too far away to hear the words directed at her but meant for Erik. A forced voice hides an insatiable anger: - Finally, I have managed to heed my destiny and will marry a goddess. My Inanna. I have conquered death and soon I will be eternal. And I shall enjoy it a thousandfold, and you, and no other godless filth, can stop my advance that will sweep over the earth like the violent torrent of the great flood. Your death is my lowest price, for your insignificance demands it. She is mine. Accept it or perish. I prefer the latter. The words are punctuated by a contemptuous laugh that intensifies Erik's hatred, coursing through his body, which is thrown into a rebellious state, like a lion in a small cage.All Rights Reserved
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