In the chaos of World War Three, Brynn McCallan, the sixteen-year-old daughter of West Virginia's House of Representatives, faces the daunting task of escaping from her home under the looming threat of a nuclear bomb. Adrift in the remnants of a shattered reality, Brynn finds herself in a fiery abyss and when her family's evacuation plan quickly crumbles, and she is propelled into a desperate quest for safety. Meanwhile, away on a trip far from home, Wayne Turner, a skilled archer of the same age, grapples with the aftermath of the nuclear cataclysm, desperately seeking his family in a world devoid of functioning modern technology. Hungry for answers amidst the chaos, he faces daunting odds. Fate intertwines their paths during an unlikely midnight encounter as Brynn attempts to distance herself from this cold pit of hell and Wayne yells at an empty sky for answers he doesn't want. As they navigate the desolation, hungered powers emerge, jeopardizing Brynn's pursuit of civilization and foiling Wayne's search for clarity. With sanity hanging by a thread and survival in peril, both must navigate the living rain of terror to overcome the unraveling world around them. Copyright 2024 @Relreal and @EverythingsNothing ***ONC 2024 Started: February 1st, 2024 Finished: Ongoing MANGO CULT!!!