In the quiet symphony of everyday life, Franck, a discreet and busy man, grapples with the intricacies of fatherhood, his son Damien residing at the unique intersection of autism.
A twist of fate takes them on a poignant journey through a forest, both literal and metaphorical. Franck's decision, shrouded in desperation and solitude, leads to a haunting revelation. The novel artfully explores themes of sacrifice, guilt, and the inexorable ties that bind parent and child.
In a gripping climax, Franck grapples with the consequences of his actions, a father caught in the throes of despair, contemplating the unfathomable. The narrative seamlessly weaves together the intricate threads of family dynamics, societal expectations, and the relentless pursuit of acceptance.
This poignant novel, reminiscent of the human condition's myriad facets, such as the nuanced portrayal of love, loss, and the haunting echoes of decisions made in the shadows of parenthood.