In another Universe, Kim Yongsun and Moon Byulyi were fated to each other. Fated to start dating in high school, and continue to the entertainment industry in the same woman group...But in this universe, Fate was bored and wanted to play... Fate changed their path and caused them to distance themselves. Yongsun's path becoming one of the most famous well-known singers of South Korea. Where she is loved and adored as the talented Solar who is in a duo-group. Byulyi turned into Actress Moon Byulyi as her fame rocketed as a famous well known rookie actress that could deliver any role above any producer's expectations. In the years that passed, their paths have not crossed but what if Fate thought it was time to bring them back together again. Will they accept their fate or fight against it? Inspired from Bumkey and Mamamoo's song "Don't Be Happy"