"THEY TOOK HER..." With the mantle of Hawkeye passed onto Kate Bishop, the girl has been expanding her horizon and keeping up her training, still intent on emulating Clint Barton. At the same time, she and Yelena Belova have still been settling in New York City with "little Lena." They do their best to raise her properly, both seeing parts of themselves that they didn't know were there. Yelena and Kate grow closer as friends, open for whatever the future holds. But the archer's head remains on a swivel and the ex Widow encounters people she thought she would never see again. Neither of them dare let their guard down when the innocent child is taken away. The two young women may not be the best at parenting, but no way are they holding back punches to save little Lena from trained assassins. Yelena Belova was her niece's protector, but now her little ray of sunshine is miles away from her. So along with Kate Bishop and a few other guests along the way, the Best Child Assassin the Red Room had ever created is more than ready to fight for that sweet little girl. Co-writer: Derek BartlettAll Rights Reserved