In a world devastated by a planet-wide blackout, a 16-year-old boy named Alex finds himself thrust into a dystopian future, where all technology has been lost. As he navigates through the darkness, Alex encounters and befriends a diverse group of individuals who, like him, are striving to survive and adapt to the new reality. Among his friends are Maria, a resourceful and fearless girl with a knack for finding hidden supplies; Jake, a stealth and evasion expert; and Lisa, a skilled healer and herbalist. Alex himself is very contributive to the group with his own skills; he is a fast learner and naturally curious. Those two things put together allow him to adapt to new situations quickly and effectively. He is quick to act when things get out of hand and is a natural leader. Together, this group combine their unique skill sets to overcome challenges, find hope, and uncover the truth behind the blackout, forging a stronger bond that fuels their determination to thrive in an uncertain world.