ordinary meets extraordinary in a realm where gods reign supreme and mortals strive for greatness. Fuji, a seemingly ordinary boy, finds himself thrust into a world of divine beings and supernatural powers. Despite his lack of innate abilities, Fuji's unwavering determination fuels his quest for recognition and acceptance within the esteemed Academy.
However, Fuji's journey takes a dark turn when his parents become targets of divine wrath, igniting a fire of vengeance within him. His pursuit for justice leads him to shatter the gates of heaven, setting off a cataclysmic battle that threatens to unravel the very fabric of existence.
As Fuji grapples with the consequences of his actions, he faces the ultimate trial-bearing the weight of the cosmos itself. In a gripping tale of defiance and redemption, Fuji must navigate treacherous paths, confront ancient rivalries, and challenge the divine order to forge his own destiny.