"We're back!" Gabriella sang and slammed the door as if she were angry. "Welcome back," Harry greeted from the couch, who was reading a medical book. Victor then intervenes, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do you have so much candy?" He interviewed them, and Kayla replied, "This is just ¼ of the candy; we have more in the trunk. Can you get it for us?"
Cayden walks into the conversation and looks at the amount of candy in the girls' hands. "Whoa," he mumbles.
"Candy!"Basti ran down the stairs, which made the others look at him with a blank expression and say, "Sorry, I get all childish about candy; they're just my favorites!" He apologized sheepishly and asked for a piece, which they gave him.
Very belated Halloween oneshot that I forgot to post.
(I wrote this instead of doing homework.)