In this enigmatic world where intentions remain concealed, people find themselves tricked and bewildered, compelled to yield. For truth resides not in explicit words, but in actions lost, a web of deception woven, at quite a cost and things aren't always said plainly, which can lead to confusion and trickery. Similar to the fundamental rule of a course I took in college: "never assume unless otherwise stated."
I always do the math, I tread with caution, never risking in vain. Calculations made in mind and hands, devoid of wanton strain. I never believe empty promises, and I never put a value on deeds or efforts unless someone explicitly tells me to. I never risk something I know won't pay off. Yet, amidst this labyrinth of deceit, I made a choice to believe in him. I opted to believe him in this treacherous environment. I trusted his unspoken words, his actions' voice. I dared to face uncertainty, embracing the unknown, For the chance of deceit may be high, but trust had to be sown. In a world where certainty falters, I dared to challenge certainty. Believing in his unexpressed truths, I forged a daring path, embracing the light, the challenge of comprehending the inexplicable, even when faced with perplexing actions and the absence of explicit words. I take the arduous route, choosing faith and unwavering determination, in lieu of the deceptive allure that surrounds me. For, despite the treacherous odds, my heart dares to anchor itself to his unspoken language, ever yearning for the clarity my soul craves.
Even after getting dumped by his beauty queen girlfriend, Jacob de Lara refuses to move on. But when his friends come up with a plan involving the spunky and unwavering Rachel Lim, maybe moving on isn't so hard to do after all.
Believing that Andrea is the woman meant for him, college student Jacob de Lara is determined to get her back. He refuses to move on and forget the years they shared together. Tired from seeing him sulking, Jacob's friends come up with an idea to divert his attention to someone else. The plan is simple: Jacob would make whoever sits on the 'destined' table his rebound. But everything gets complicated when feisty Rachel Lim takes the spot. Now faced with a difficult target, can Jacob finally move on from Andrea and have his second shot at love?
Disclaimer: This story is written in Taglish.
Cover Design: Ms. Louise De Ramos