My Hero Academia fanfic
Part three of the Bia-Hero of Force series
Cross posted on AO3
O/C heavy series
Nymeria Akatani's life hasn't always been the greatest. She's had to work for everything she has, and has to continue to work to keep what she loves. With her past, villainous blood family, and heroic found family, she's got her work cut out for her. Oh, not to mention trying to raise a kid (or three), balance work, and avoid a Rat god, all while being under constant review of the HSPC and trying to make it work as the twilight hero, hero of force- Bia.
Does anyone have a user manual for life? She sure could use one.
Part 1- The Detonation- complete
Part 2- The Burning- complete
Part 3- The Flames - complete- Nymeria Akatani wakes up in a hospital after being rescued from "the Boogie man of the underworld". The doctors and heroes that rescued her aren't sure what exactly happened to her or the kid who came in with her. Nymeria's quirk acting up might shed some light on those questions.
When reunited with family, new information is found out that leads to new questions. Will the heroes write her off and throw her in prison for having an evil dad, or will they help her heal and adjust to a life outside of captivity. Also, Nymeria has a WHAT?! You know what, no. Sedate her or something, she's not dealing with this right now.
Part 4- The Embers- ongoing
I do not own My Hero Academia or its characters, only the original characters I created.