In the mystical town of Otter Hollow, an 18-year-old loner named Sage inherits her family's ancestral home. Unbeknownst to her, the town harbors Shroudfolk: supernatural beings hidden among the locals. Including Sage herself.
Many of the townspeople, fueled by fear and superstition, associate the Shroudfolk with curses and misfortune, blaming them for Sage's mother's mysterious disappearance on January 1, 2000 and the town's resulting decline from popular mystical tourist attraction to a literal ghost town. In reality, a sinister threat called the void force is draining energy and unleashing nightmares on the people of Otter Hollow.
In the Appalachian wilderness, the void force materializes into a formidable shadow monster, its dark form and oppressive roar looming over Sage and her new friend, Sterling. As they engage in a dynamic battle with the creature, the void force begins manipulating reality, casting illusions and visions into their minds to disorient them.
With the narrow defeat of the void force, the mystical balance and enchanting legacy of Otter Hollow are restored. The town is freed from the energy drain, and the Shroudfolk's powers begin to rejuvenate widely. Sage and Sterling, having overcome the illusions and visions, stand together as protectors of the town's delicate existence, their love and loyalty proven unstoppable against the encroaching darkness.
Millie Ripley has only ever known one player next door. Luke Dawson. But with only a couple months left before he graduates and a blackmailer on the loose, will their love story stand the test of time? And will they both need to grow up to face the truth?