"A death sentence, that's what that mission was. The goddess who once saved my life was now sending me to my death. She was about to lead me and my crew on an impossible journey, along the most suicidal and avoided route on the seas: the waters of Paranã, straight to the isolated lands of Mawita. " "I watched the Solare ship already well moored at the pier of Natre [...] And I was its captain, Captain Mars. The one blessed by the seas, the chosen one of Araí, leader of the powerful Solare Ship, ruler of the waters, dirty pirate and cunning, saltwater slut - the insults are always the most creative -, so are the names, but, particularly, I think that "puppet in the hands of the gods" fits better in my case and in the others blessed by the Infinite. Of course, that's definitely a bit of a cursed blessing."