A Vmin Story
In a grand castle, there exists a hidden prince who has been separated from his kingdom and is unable to escape. His fate hangs in the balance as he remains lost within the confines of his lonely quarters.
And amidst the twinkling stars, he held a crimson rose delicately between his fingers, and closed his golden eyes as he made a wish with all his broken heart. In the thick of the gloom and shadows of this imposing fortress, he wishes upon the night filled with glistening stars for nothing more than to break free from his confines and embrace the light of the outside world.
The rose in his hand was now long forgotten by all but him. Its petals were wilted and browned, evidence of neglect and abandonment. And as he wept, his crystal tears fell upon the flower, as if to offer it some solace in their shared sorrow. At that moment, the rose seemed to come back to life, if only for a fleeting moment, before its life was forever extinguished.
Unaware of what lay ahead, the young prince had no inkling that a powerful monarch cloaked in darkness was about to alter the course of his life in unimaginable ways.
All the prince could do was cry out broken crystal tears. The once vibrant and beautiful rose, together with the forlorn prince, transformed into
Withering Roses.
All picture edits must be credited to their respective owners and creators. The cover was created by me using the Canva app.