A 21-year-old part-time nurse named Carter Lament spends an afternoon with her childhood friend, Winter August, after a long and miserable day of healing those who survived a failed escape to asylum from the ruthless Wolverine Army. Once the two go their separate ways, a mysterious woman approaches her, alone. Alarmed but compassionate, Carter attempts to help the woman, but this interaction would lead to a life changing event, filled with vengence, human experimentation, fighting, and connection, for not only them but the entire country.
Kiki had it hard all her life. Well Kiki is 17 now just getting out of high school. Her mother has yet another boyfriend. This one is different and way worst than the others she can just feel it. What happens to Kiki when she is thrown into the darkside of the world.
×××(Mature Language and Mature Situation)×××