In this captivating crossover tale, 'The Olympus School of Magic' emerges as the nexus where the realms of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson converge. At its helm stand the formidable cadre of thirteen figures of power, comprising the twelve Greek god Olympians alongside Hades himself. Among the students, the chosen seven, accompanied by a select group of comrades including Nico, Will, Rachal Dare, Clarisse, Calypso, Travis Stoll, Conner Stoll, and Thalia, reign supreme as the most formidable talents within the school's storied halls. Sorted according to a hierarchical system rooted in the Greek alphabet, these extraordinary individuals find themselves thrust into a realm where the mystique of European wizardry collides with the ancient pantheon of Greek deities, forging bonds, facing challenges, and unraveling mysteries that transcend the boundaries of both worlds. Will the Golden Trio find out the school's true intentions? or will the school get what they want?