The disease known as vitiligo causes white spots to form on the skin. It is a skin disease that causes skin pigmentation to disappear. Melanocytes, which are the cells that make the colour melanin, get destroyed, which is why they appear. Melanin's pigment is what provides hair, skin, and eyes with hue. It is believed that vitiligo may be caused by a combination of autoimmune, environmental and genetic factors, but the reason for this is not known. The immune system could incorrectly attack and destroy melanocytes as a result of an autoimmune cause.
White spots appear on the skin and are one of the early stages of vitiligo. The spots may appear tiny and then grow larger over time. While they may appear everywhere on the body, they usually appear on areas that are exposed to the sun, like the hands, face, legs, arms, and the skin around exposed body parts (such as the nose, mouth, etc.). Eyes, genitalia, and the like.).
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