In the ordinary tapestry of high school life, Yan Xia's world shatters when mutant dogs ravage his family. Amidst the chaos, a group of enigmatic figures materializes, adept at extinguishing the magical threat without wielding any powers themselves.
"Stay low," a voice commands, the leader of the mage killers, their presence emanating authority. With swift efficiency, they neutralize the monstrous assailants, saving Yan Xia from the brink of demise.
"You have two choices," the leader asserts, revealing the clandestine nature of their existence. "Forget this ever happened, or join us." The weight of the decision hangs heavy, as brainwashing offers an escape, while joining their ranks thrusts Yan Xia into a world where mutant dogs are symptoms of a larger, sinister conspiracy.
"These creatures are the result of magical experiments," the leader explains tersely, divulging the twisted origin of the threat. Yan Xia, faced with the harsh reality of his family's massacre and the prevalence of such atrocities, steels his resolve.
"I choose to fight," he declares, fueled by a thirst for vengeance and a determination to halt the cycle of senseless murders. With those words, Yan Xia steps into the clandestine world of mage killers, where justice and peril intertwine in a battle against the shadows that threaten not only his world but countless others.