In the following illustrated example, the results for trademark search of the word "Ford" under Class 12 (Class 12 pertains to vehicles) is explained.
The search list results displays a list of all the trademarks that start with the word "Ford" registered under class 12. It is no surprise that Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited is the owner of the Word Mark "Ford" under class 12. Selecting the option "show details" would display information pertaining to the trademark application number, application date, owner information, trademark validity date, trademark used since date and a description.
A search could bring up a number of matches and understanding the search status is essential for interpreting the implications. If, the search returns "no matches found" then there are no registered or applied trademarks that match the query. Further, search of the trademark database for the same query with a different match type or a modified query is then recommended.
It is important to note that for a trademark to be registered, it must not similar to any existing trademarks.
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