Love was never a word that had ever crossed his mind. Husk had everything he needed and built up to his title all alone. He had sinners working at his feet, unlimited alcohol, and power. It was all he ever needed. Who needs love when you've got all the alcohol in Hell and sinners obeying your every command. And he thought he was doing the right thing once a special offer came his way, and accepted the offer of having Hell's number one wet dream in his hands for seven days.
Angel Dust, the so called wet dream, already had his mind decided on love and it was on one person and one person only. Valentino. He's hot, tall, sexy, and powerful. He was everything that he could want and more, can you really blame him? He obeyed his every request in hopes of staying Val's favorite. But when another string pulls at his heart, there's no telling on what decision his heart can make next.
Without realizing, many strings will tug at his heart, but a chain will be pulled. Hopefully, in the right direction.