In "Wendigo's Legacy," embark on a chilling journey into the heart of darkness with Yukihiro Takahashi, a haunted hunter determined to confront the horrors that claimed his parents. Set against the backdrop of a desolate winter landscape, this tale of survival and sacrifice unfolds as Yukihiro grapples with the malevolent force of the Wendigo. As Yukihiro delves deeper into the mysteries of the Wendigo's curse, he uncovers a sinister truth: the once-isolated threat has evolved into a contagious plague, spreading its tendrils of corruption far and wide. With each passing day, the line between hunter and hunted blurs as Yukihiro battles not only the creatures of the night but also the darkness that threatens to consume him from within. Driven by a relentless determination to protect the innocent, Yukihiro's journey takes him to the edge of sanity and beyond as he confronts his own mortality and the chilling legacy of the Wendigo. Will he emerge triumphant, or will he succumb to the very darkness he seeks to vanquish? Prepare to be enthralled by "Wendigo's Legacy," a gripping tale of horror, redemption, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of unspeakable evil.
A collection of my original platonic yandere one shots and short stories. This book will not be related to any sort of challenge and will be updated purely on my inspiration at the time.