In the heart of London, amidst the hustle and bustle of its diverse neighborhoods, resides Lauraine Carter - a young and gifted forensic pathologist by day, and a passionate pianist by night. Her life takes an unexpected turn when a mysterious man, introduces himself as James Moriarty with an air of charisma and promise, discovers her hidden musical talents. Entranced by the prospect of stepping into the enchanting world of musicians, Lauraine eagerly accepts his offer of guidance. However, as she delves deeper into the labyrinth of the music industry, she begins to unravel the sinister undertones of his intentions. Little does she know that the path she's chosen is not merely a gateway to her dreams but a perilous journey into a realm where passion and deception intertwine, threatening to shatter the delicate harmony of her life.
If there was one quote to describe this story, if would most likely be: "I like that we say "Oh man" to express dissappointment. Because men, are in fact, dissapointing."
I'll just leave you with that, have fun reading! :)
Gracelyn Pixie Holmes has one of the most dangerous families ever. Even her past can hurt the people around her. From who her uncle is on her father's side, to her uncle on her mother's side.
Gray meets the famous Sherlock Holmes, but meeting family isn't always a good thing. She goes through life like no teenaged girl. Her life is filled with pain, mystery, and death. Her life is a mixture of caious, but that doesn't help with her family either. Sherlock is near, but so are other mentally ill friends. Even if some become foes.
These characters do not belong to me, but to BBC and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
(I think that is how you spell his name)