24 parts Ongoing MatureMia, a young girl abandoned by her parents, finds herself alone on the streets, struggling to survive in a world that seems determined to crush her spirit. Her life changes when a man known as "Boss" takes her in, putting her to work alongside a group of street kids who share her fate. Despite the harsh conditions, Mia's warmth and optimism quickly make her the heart of their makeshift family, earning her the nickname "Sunshine."
Among the group is Matia, an older boy hardened by years of living on the streets. Matia seems indifferent to Mia, grumpy and withdrawn, yet he quietly ensures her safety, protecting her from the shadows without her knowing. As they navigate the challenges of street life, a complicated relationship forms between them. Mia's persistence and kindness thaw Matia's icy exterior, and she slowly becomes the light in his dark world.
Their story combines heartache and hope as they grapple with their pasts and seek a sense of belonging. During their struggles, Mia and Matia find love in the most unexpected place-each other. Together, they learn that love and kindness can flourish even in the darkest times.