In a world where citizens transform into vibrant anthropomorphic creatures due to a mysterious affliction, society becomes divided as the uninfected fear and persecute the transformed individuals. Forced to hide underground, the transformed beings unite to create a new civilization free from persecution. Despite the government's efforts to capture and eliminate them, the underground community strives for harmony and unity, but they face escalating tensions and a battle for acceptance and survival. The main character Jannie goes through This transformation during highschool And experiences it through first person perspective. Disclaimer: "Claws of Unity" is a work of fiction that delves into a world of anthropomorphic creatures, societal divides, trafficking and underground civilizations. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story is meant for entertainment purposes only and does not reflect the views or beliefs of the author. Reader discretion is advised as the book may contain themes of persecution, violence, and societal unrest. The author does not condone discrimination or hatred towards any group or individual, and the characters and events depicted in the book are purely fictional. Readers are encouraged to approach the story with an open mind and a sense of imagination.
3 parts