In this silent short adventure, taking place during "The Powerful Sparkle Squad and Sonic Unleashed" adventure, the squad, Sonic and Chip spend a night in a haunted house during a storming night where two ghost try to impress the lady ghost by taking pictures of the victims that they've scared off, but when the lady ghost had noticed that they have not tried to scare Sonic or any members of the squad yet when they do try to scare them, Sonic turned into a werehog and Hiroshima turned into a monster, now they are determined to defeat them to impress the lady ghost by temporarily working together. Note: Season 1, Episode 12. Note: I Only Owned My OCs. Note: Takes Place During The Powerful Sparkle Squad and Sonic Unleashed. Note: This is the first episode where the entire adventure is silent, so the dialogs are filled up by the adventurers' commentary, kinda like those characters watching their series type of thing.