Non-Canon stories about solarballs!
Ganymede X Europa
Callisto X Triton
Pluto X Charon
Iapetus X Enceladus
Jupiter X Saturn
Astrodude X Astro wife
Titan X Titania
Mars X Ceres
Phoebe (Moon of Saturn - Child) X Proteus (It's not like- fully romantic, since they're both kids)
Pictures may be added
This will also be partially or mostly my AU for how things go on
Events take place after Moon Rev part 4 and Where is Jupiter, unless said otherwise.
This will include maybe interstellar or intergalactic objects, these are ships for those
Milky Way ( m ) X Andromeda ( f )
Tres 2B ( f ) X J1407b ( m )
Canis Major Dwarf ( f ) X M33 ( NB )
Some may be added
Want to ask me questions? See my behind the scenes? Even see my upcoming story sneak peeks?
There's even something better-talking to me about anything you want!