94 parti Completa Per adultiMaeve's ability to touch others' souls can be heartbreaking and confusing, but when she connects with two murderers, it turns her world upside down. Are they still killers if they only kill monsters?
What starts as a random attack on the street stopped by two strangers quickly escalates as Maeve discovers her attackers were demons. Thrusting her into their violent world, Maeve struggles to hold on to her humanity, making choices she never believed she would have to make. Disturbed but drawn to each of them. Will's bestial nature calls to her one moment and rejects her the next. While a powerful attachment to Ander's gentle soul comforts her, but every time they connect, she feels his darkness just below the surface.
Will's entire life has been a war against monsters, alongside his best-friend Ander. Honor bound by duty, he is brutal, relentless, and uncompromising in his mission to protect the masses. He didn't understand how much his world would change after saving Maeve, or how she would shatter his convictions.
Ander may have magical talents but in his mind, nothing will redeem him from the abomination he is. Bound by more than shed blood, Will, his adopted brother, and only friend. Together they seek and destroy aberrations that poison the world. Until Maeve touched his hand, there was nothing else but the mission. With her, Ander could see a different side of himself, a different life.
This is a character driven story written from the 3 main characters POV's. It's a mature adult dark romance & contains dubious triggering situations that some might find offensive.
If you want an instant, fearless heroine, Maeve won't be it. Her story is discovering who she is & what power love can bring versus kicking monsters asses. Power & money aren't the only things that make the world turn & those that wield the greatest power control destiny.
If you're looking for heroes, Will & Ander are NOT it. If you're drawn to tortured villainous souls, you'll enjoy their saga.