One fateful day, amidst the vibrant hues of the hotel, Casper crosses paths with the notorious and flamboyant demon, Angel Dust. Entranced by Casper's quiet strength and the sorrow that lingers around him, Angel Dust takes an unexpected interest in the shy demon, much to the disapproval of his boss, Valentino.
As Casper and Angel Dust's unlikely friendship blossoms, they navigate the chaotic underworld together, with Angel Dust introducing Casper to the wild and eccentric denizens of Hell. Despite his reservations, Casper finds solace in Angel Dust's flamboyant persona and genuine companionship.
However, their bond soon catches the attention of Valentino, a powerful and menacing figure in Hell's underworld. Unwilling to tolerate Angel Dust's attention diverted elsewhere, Valentino sets out to sabotage their burgeoning friendship, unleashing a series of challenges and obstacles to tear them apart.
As their friendship is put to the test, Casper must summon the courage he never knew he possessed to stand up against Valentino's machinations and protect the newfound connection that has brought light into his dark existence. With Angel Dust by his side, Casper embarks on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the power of love, defying the odds in a world where redemption seems impossible.
Alastor is convinced to take over Angel Dusts therapy at the hotel when Charlie cant handle anymore of Angel's shenanigans.
What could possibly go wrong?
Co-written by the extremely talented and ever magnificent AlwaysFullyDressed