In September 1963, the Lycée Voltaire, until then reserved for boys, became co-educational and welcomed girls for the first time. Even if there were only a few girls, this opening was a real revolution. The life of the school was turned upside down. the school turned upside down when one girl(y/n) burst in to his place as they began to turn to enemies but with passion they always would fight but the devil always flirted and gaved his hart for her y/n was a smart a girl she was very nice and had a kinde hart she was shy after all but sometimes she couldent help but speek her minde but her mouthe and her minde got her in to trubel but she didnt care she wanted to play with the devil joseph or joe/like the devil he was stubborn he liked to tease he wanted to see fear but sometimes he got a prize he was just a boy with his own problems trying to escape them but he met the one who for the first time his heart was big again he saw something in her evan thp he was going to tease her here she was going to fight but he had a reason he was trying to tease her in her mind after all the devil made her fall in love but he felled in love with her evan more the school turned upside down when one girl(y/n) burst in to his place as they began to turn to enemies but with passion they always would fight but the devil always flirted and gaved his hart for herAll Rights Reserved