In the bustling streets of 1895 Toronto, two modern teenagers, Evelyn and David, find themselves trapped in a world where gas lamps flicker and horse-drawn carriages clatter along cobblestone roads. Accidentally catapulted from their familiar lives in 2022, they now navigate the intriguing and often dangerous realm of the past, working as undercover consultants for the brilliant but enigmatic Detective William Murdoch.
1895 Story. Murdoch Mysteries blends mystery, adventure, and a touch of humour, as two young heroes grapple with their extraordinary situation, confront ethical dilemmas, and explore the power of friendship, innovation, and the choices that shape our world. Will they solve the case in time to find a way back to their era, or will they be forever lost in a history that is not their own?
I'm a murderer! I killed my exs...
Maybe love just wasn't made for me😭😔
For I loved and I lost...
In fact I loved and brutally murdered the two loves of my life..
Despite my dark past and haunted memories, will I ever find real love and be happy?
Or maybe history will repeat itself and this time be even more tragic?
This is my story😔