The story follows Maksim, a man who finds himself in the depths of Hell after a series of tumultuous events, including the death of his wife, Velvette. Upon his arrival, he encounters Velvette, now a powerful demon in Hell, who seems to have no recollection of their past life together. As Maksim navigates the infernal landscape and reunites with Velvette, they uncover truths about their shared past and the mysterious circumstances that brought them to Hell. Alongside Velvette and other formidable demons like Valentino and Vox, Maksim discovers the complex power dynamics of Hell and the looming threat of Alastor, a formidable adversary. Amidst the chaos and danger, Maksim and Velvette's love endures, serving as a beacon of hope as they confront the challenges that lie ahead.
Alastor's Right Hand (An OC X Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Harem)
25 parts Ongoing Mature
25 parts
This is a story about a Demon Boy, Blue Light, who is very innocent on the outside and a kind soul despite being a demon. But there is more to him, than others realise......
Let's find out more about him in the world of Hell as he faces many trials and tribulations.
And why is he even in Hell to begin with?