Audrey Levine, a 17-year-old high schooler, leads a double life as a red agent, hiding her covert missions from everyone. After years in the US, she's forced to move back to Korea with her mother, where she must face her traumatic past. As if that's not enough, Audrey is thrust into a new family dynamic, with seven stepbrothers-Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Kim Yoongi, Kim Hoseok, Kim Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Kim Jungkook-who all want her to be their little sister. But Audrey doesn't want anyone close, especially not after everything she's been through.
As she navigates her new life with old enemies lurking and the lines between her dangerous agent life and family life blurring, Audrey must confront her past and decide what kind of future she wants-one filled with family or one in the shadows.
What will Audrey choose?
Let's find out how this all plays out!