Set after the Snowmen, my ideal idea of there meeting and what not, and what I hope will happen but probably never will.
Dont chu just love Clara Oswin Oswald ? Xxx
........ Preface ........
Watch Me Run. By ClaraOswinOswald, just call me Echo or Oswald ;p
"Run. Run you Clever Boy and Remember...."
The Last Words of the woman twice dead Echoed through-out the Doctor's mind, he had to find her, the madly impossible woman.
But how? It was a huge universe, she appeared on no scans.
"Smaller on the outside" The Doctor mumbled to himself with a small smile that he hadnt had since.......since he had been with the Pond's.
"Come on old girl, I know you have missed traveling, now is your chance, help me find her." The Doctor begged quietly.
The Tardis shuddered and shook violently and then paused, shunted to a halt.
XD lil blurb but a BIG story. Its Bigger on the inside so why not take a look? XD omg I amaze myself with my epicosity!