In a tale where realms collide, Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, finds herself inexplicably transported to the realm of Westeros and Essos, a land marked by feuding houses and political intrigue. Confused and disoriented, Wanda stumbles upon Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons, who is embarking on her journey to claim the Iron Throne. As they march towards their ultimate goal, a darker threat looms on the horizon. From the icy lands of the North, an ancient evil awakens, threatening to engulf the entire realm in darkness. In a world where magic and mysticism collide with political intrigue, Wanda Maximoff and Daenerys Targaryen stand determined to forge their destinies and shape the fate of Westeros. But as the shadows grow longer and the night creeps closer, they must confront the true nature of their adversary before it's too late. The Queen and the Red Woman {Daenerys & Wanda Story} COMING SOON!!