In the bustling town of Arcadia, where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, a forgotten secret lies buried beneath the surface of time. Once revered as the founders of Arcadia, Mailin and Hisirdoux's legacy has faded into obscurity, lost amidst the winding streets and quaint neighborhoods.
Long before the events of Trollhunters unfolded, Mailin and Hisirdoux traversed the earth for nine centuries, their names whispered only in the echoes of the past. Despite their enduring presence, the memory of their founding of Arcadia has all but vanished, obscured by the passage of centuries and the currents of human history.
As life in Arcadia bustles on, its inhabitants unaware of the hidden truths beneath their feet, Mailin and Hisirdoux watch from the shadows as their memories fade like wisps of smoke. The castle they once called home lies in ruins, a mere echo of a forgotten era.
For Mailin and Hisirdoux, time has wrought profound changes upon the world they once knew. Though Arcadia thrives and evolves, their presence has become a distant memory, lost to the annals of time.
Yet, despite the veil of forgetfulness, Mailin and Hisirdoux remain ageless and immortal, their lives intertwined with the fabric of existence. As they oversee the town from their hidden sanctuary below, they know that their legacy endures, cherished by those who uphold the values of courage, compassion, and unity.
As Trollhunters begins to unfold, and the emergence of mystical beings threatens the town's fragile balance, Mailin and Hisirdoux stand vigilant, their ancient wisdom guiding them through the trials ahead.
Though their names may be forgotten, their story lives on, shaping the destiny of Arcadia for generations to come.
(Remember, my AU)
Douxie had been given strict orders by Merlin to not engage with the children of the gods, and he'd followed that rule dutifully for eight-hundred years. But everything changed when he met Carter Howard. He decided then and there to protect him with his life. Whatever may come.
(Book 1 - 4 of Half-Bloods and Hunters)