In a world of shinobi, where bonds are forged in battle and destinies intertwine, follow the journey of NaDari Kintovanei, a determined young woman with a hidden love and a heart bound by duty. As secrets unravel and fates collide, she embarks on a path of self-discovery, where love, loss, and longing pave the way to unexpected encounters. Join her as she navigates the complexities of her past and the mysteries of her future, in a tale where every step leads to destiny's embrace.
Naruto has been ridiculed and shamed. His heart was torn into shreds as he never felt more useless in his life.
Moreover, this caused him to drop the charade of being the village idiot. He didn't need to act dumb anymore because all it did was get him hurt. Perhaps this made him more vulnerable.
The girl, by his side, has offered him ointment and constant support, but she doesn't know how much her kindness will help to save whatever is left of who he used to be.
Super Naruto!
Smart Naruto!
And ...
Mild Sakura Bashing! I'm sorry!!!!! I am learning to like Sakura but... just like Sasuke it's going to take some time to love her.