In the heart of feudal Japan, a Jamaican-Irish gunslinger finds himself entangled in a quest for vengeance alongside a mysterious half-white, half-Japanese onna-musha named Mizu. As they navigate the treacherous landscape of the Edo period, they challenge the boundaries of heritage and confront their pasts in this gripping Netflix original series. Inspired by the world of "Blue Eye Samurai," witness the thrilling blend of Jamaican-Irish heritage and traditional samurai culture in "Blue Eyes and Blazing Bullets." Follow the tale of our gunslinger as he defies expectations and forges an unbreakable bond with Mizu in this action-packed adventure filled with love, loyalty, and the pursuit of redemption. Keywords: Jamaican-Irish, gunslinger, Edo period, onna-musha, samurai, vengeance, redemption, love, Netflix original, blue eye samurai, Japanese culture, heritage, action, adventure.