"Bridges of Friendship: Miles Apart, Hearts Connected" tells the heartwarming tale of Hannah and Sophia, two best friends who live in different countries. Despite the geographical distance separating them, their friendship remains unbreakable. Through letters, gifts, and video calls, they continue to share their lives and support each other. When Hannah gets the chance to visit Hinata in Japan, their reunion is a testament to the enduring power of friendship. This story celebrates the bonds that transcend borders and reminds us that true friendship knows no distance.
🎶🎶Yun tera muskurana, Aur aake chale jaana
Kismat ka hai khul jaana
Tera Deedar Hua, Pehla sa pyar hua
Pehli hi baar hua iss dil ko
Naa toh inqaar hua
Naa hi iqraar hua
Jaane kya yaar hua iss dil ko🎶🎶
Hello Everyone!
This is the fourth Book in Short Story Collection!!!!
With new journey, new characters and new affection!